
I found this very informational, but I need help understanding it practically. How does this translate into my regular daily experiences with desire for girls and sexual appetite?

I feel like all I've gotten out of this article is a stark truth without anything that actually helps me to walk as a better Christian. I feel like your main point is that I sin every time I feel any kind of desire for a girl (a single girl, in which I'm a single man), and that I must "repent" each time by asking God to forgive me.

Clearly, as you can see, this makes me feel like my desire is inherently sinful. And I think that's actually what your article states. I'm also confused because you seem to use the word "Concupiscence" in a broader sense that allows for more than just sexual desire.

I'm left with questions. How can sexual desire be inherently sinful if God made Eve for Adam, with both of them naked, and commanded them to be fruitful and multiply? And throughout the old testament you see men desiring beautiful women, such in the case of Isaac, where God provided him with his wife. On top of that, I'm not in David's position at all where I've allowed uncontrolled lust to lead me to murder a man for his wife.

I guess all I'm asking is that, as a single man looking for a single woman to become my wife, how does this teaching practically apply to my situation?

Thank you.

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