There is a very important aspect in these verses that seems to be ignored. It is the RIGHT eye that causes sin, the RIGHT hand also, both of which are controlled by the LEFT part of the brain, the "detail oriented" part of the brain, which simply does not understand "the whole". If you wish to see some examples of this fact, look up experiments of patients that have had their corpus callosum cut out (epilepsy patients), or so called split brain patients. Also, I recommend a book called The master and his emissary, by Iain McGilChrist. It explains how the right and left hemispheres of the brain are different and the implications of the left part of the brain "control" on society throughout history. Hope this helps. So, the verses may be taken somehow literally, with respect to the "control" of the left hemisphere of the brain.
I always thought of this verse ,if it offends the body then pluck it out, or if it's your hand cut it ,better to enter heaven without it, well I felt like he meant a disease part of your body like cancer or like cutting your leg or other part off if it had gangrene,. Because the vanity of man or women ,would rather die with the limb or eye intact. I didn't even consider your explanation, I guess cause I knew a man who had gangrene in his foot ,and could still be alive if he had it cut off, instead he died 3 weeks later. When he said offends the body, he didn't say offend the Lord, he said your body ,to me a disease or burden to your body offends your body and health. Am I wrong, made me think. Thanks Lois Stewart
There is a very important aspect in these verses that seems to be ignored. It is the RIGHT eye that causes sin, the RIGHT hand also, both of which are controlled by the LEFT part of the brain, the "detail oriented" part of the brain, which simply does not understand "the whole". If you wish to see some examples of this fact, look up experiments of patients that have had their corpus callosum cut out (epilepsy patients), or so called split brain patients. Also, I recommend a book called The master and his emissary, by Iain McGilChrist. It explains how the right and left hemispheres of the brain are different and the implications of the left part of the brain "control" on society throughout history. Hope this helps. So, the verses may be taken somehow literally, with respect to the "control" of the left hemisphere of the brain.
I always thought of this verse ,if it offends the body then pluck it out, or if it's your hand cut it ,better to enter heaven without it, well I felt like he meant a disease part of your body like cancer or like cutting your leg or other part off if it had gangrene,. Because the vanity of man or women ,would rather die with the limb or eye intact. I didn't even consider your explanation, I guess cause I knew a man who had gangrene in his foot ,and could still be alive if he had it cut off, instead he died 3 weeks later. When he said offends the body, he didn't say offend the Lord, he said your body ,to me a disease or burden to your body offends your body and health. Am I wrong, made me think. Thanks Lois Stewart